Last Thursday I received a reservation which then immediate...
Last Thursday I received a reservation which then immediately was cancelled and message was blocked . Shortly after that I r...
Airbnb brings great guests and we love the wonderful community that they have created. Hosts and guests are the best amongst all other options available in the market.
We have been working with Airbnb in the past 7 years, achieving the Superhost status several times. In the past years, Airbnb has amounted up to 40% of the total amount of reservations hosted in our building in Seville.
However, in the past months we have experienced a concerning decrease in Airbnb's presence. Our conversion rate has dropped to 0% and the view we are getting of our listings is... 0.
We are now witnessing the disappearance of Airbnb's guests in our apartments and we have shared this concern with Airbnb's support team. Not much has been done and everything we get is links to help guides with content that we are already familiar with. After all, we have been working hard in the last 7 years to deliver the best experience to our guests.
Has anything changed in Airbnb's system? Is anybody else experiencing this situation? It is such a pity that such a wonderful platform amounts now to nil in our future reservations.
Following because we are experiencing a very similar issue and were wondering if we were the only ones!!
Probably you are lower down the rankings because you have what Airbnb considers low rating.
Be careful because they can and do suspend hosts with ratings of 4.6 and lower @One-And-Lux0
also check check demand and supply in your location - many markets are oversaturated.
We have a 4.8, Helen3.
We have not been able to reach the superhost status due to the fact that we had to cancel one stay. One stay in 7 years. We came clean to Airbnb and exposed that we found an early stage of a problem with termites in one of our units and thus we needed to cancel the reservation. Nothing was done from their side and the guest showed up either way. We messaged him and tried to call him but it was not possible to reach him. Airbnb did not send any message to the real email address of the guest, although he stated that it was the only way of reaching him while traveling.
Could that be the reason? Do they have the option of shadow banning a listing? It is impressive how we have disappeared from this platform.
In our last review we got 4.8
Our listings have 4.6 overall (more than 460 reviews) when the average in our area is 4.2
Weird, isn't it?
Yes it's very strange that your area should have an average 4.2 ratings. @One-And-Lux0 .
airbnb considers 4.6 or under to be poor reviews
I have over 350 ratings and an average of 4.97. So it's definitely possible to sustain high ratings with high numbers of reviews .
Good for you!
Hey there @One-And-Lux0, I'd like to invite some wonderful hosts to see if they can help you further 🙏🏼@Joan2709 @Bettye6 @Joelle43 any support would be really appreciated!
Yes, I agree with @Helen3 that you are @ 4.62 & the over saturation in areas.
I'm actually curious about how AirBnB chooses to display the listings as well.
I have a 5.0 and recently when I Googled incognito my listing is is way lower then Hosts that actually have lower rating than my (less than 5.0) Plus when I put in my city to start my search the first multiple listing. even cities miles away listings popped up before my listing even appeared. That was weird to me. I put in a certain town/city to search I should get at the least all the AirBnBs in my town first. I could understand that if there were no AirBnB's in town then extend out to other towns. Just a tad frustrating for me.
I'm not sure if this is all a glitch in the app.?
I didn't call AirBnB support as I do not think there is much they can help individual hosts if this is a 'system' glitch.
It will be interesting to see what the Best Answer is.
Hi @Bettye6
Sadly...this is not a "glitch". Airbnb substanstially changed their search alogorithm in 2022 to an "interest algorithm" and looks like they have "tweaked" it further in 2023. They will start showing listings further away if the criteria for interest is not met in the area the guest is searching. No one but Airbnb knows what that threshold is, but many Hosts experiencing the same thing you are.
I find it odd that AirBnB has that algorithm. I can't speak for AirBnB but all my guests who stay here know McHenry and do not want to have to travel 20-30 minutes to get to the place desired. As I know my competition in my town they together match all the possible criteria for my city. I also feel to show them the places in exactly McHenry FIRST is something respectful that AirBnB can do for the hosts who make them their money. They should not be deciding for a guest.
As a guest looking for an AirBnB, & this just happened to me recently, as the town we were going visit to had none we picked the closest AirBnB to it. Then I find that type algorithm appropriate. I do realize the area on the map can be adjusted to look further away if needed.
Interesting indeed!
@One-And-Lux0 , @Sophia tagged me about your concerns regarding your low search results rank. I'm sure it is very frutrating! Howver, I do agree with the other comments about your low review rank. Airbnb places your review rankings very high in the search algorithm. You are not a "Guest Favorite" on any of your listings due to the poor overall review ratings. One of your listings is actually a 4.3-star overall. It doesn't really matter to Airbnb how many reviews you have, they care about the quality that guests perceive when staying as reflected in their Guest Reviews. Suggest you address the negative reviews and correct whatever is causing them in order to get better review ratings. You, at a minimum, need to above 4.7 stars in this competitive, oversaturated market. Airbnb can, and does, suspend listings that have low ratings and of course you may not appear at all in search results due to the low ratings.
Difficult to address negative reviews and correct whatever is causen them when you have nil reservations for the upcoming months.
Trust me, we are way above average our local market. Since 2023 we have just disappeared from Airbnb.
The average in our area is 4.2.
Hi, apparently there are more hosts which have the impression that they have disappeared from Airbnb.. Since last year we are again Superhost but since end last year till now March we didn't get even 1 request and no bookings for this season ! I don't know what's happening. Our listing appears in Airbnb when I search in our region, but if I compare with other years (we are almost 10 years on Airbnb) I think it has to do with the algorith. I hope it will change for the better. greetings from Crete