I’ve recently started my own cleaning business!Name and such...
I’ve recently started my own cleaning business!Name and such is in the work as this is something im great at, but like an emb...
I am new to hosting so would be glad to hear your thoughts, please. I am reaching out to other hosts to ask about the advantages and disadvantages (i.e. costs) of receiving payment by Pay Pal instead of bank transfer. The bank transfer seems quite slow - about 8 days. Is the information about charges of Pay Pal set out somewhere? Is there another payment option besides bank transfer and Pay Pal. Many thanks in advance.
@Claire1775 Hope you are well!
I use PayPal for my payouts- I don't pay any fees (Payments are routed through Airbnb payments UK Ltd) and the payments arrive at the same time Airbnb send the payout email through.
@Paul1255 I strongly believe in the adage of not getting something for nothing. Have you any idea what Paypal get out of being the middleman? I am tempted to change but even though payments into my bank are slow they do at least get there.
@Mike-And-Jane0 Does your bank charge you a fee to process/send your Airbnb payouts?
I assume PayPal make their money servicing transactions that do attract a fee- like international payments, businesses that accept payments from customers and so on.
@Paul1255 Not really - They have my money at 0% interest until I spend it though! Amazing that bank transfers take about a week but Paypal is almost immediate.
Yup, I too use PayPal, @Mike-And-Jane0. Couldn't be happier with the service and speed. The moving of cash is easy with their app. Five stars (unlike some of my recent guests), @Claire1775.