What happened to the Price Calculator on the Calendar?

Level 2
Toronto, Canada

What happened to the Price Calculator on the Calendar?

There used to be a calculator on the calendar that would simulate dates, and exact fees that guests would pay for their stay and I cannot find it anymore? Does anyone know where it went? The only way I can now simulate a guest stay is to preview my listing. 

It used to show all of the fees broken down, as well as the payout. 

1 Best Answer
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Gary287 and @Emiel1,


I just checked with the product team about the price calculator and you will be glad to hear it is still available. You can find it when you adjust or set your price. 


image (2).png


Hopefully this looks familiar to you. When you click to enter the price, the calculator will pop up. If you want the full simulator, just click on 'Show details' and it will appear. 


I hope this helps and you can now continue to use the feature. 🙂


Let me know how you get on if you can.





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20 Replies 20
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

The price calculator should be brought  back as a normal URL, so we can bookmark it and use it when desired !

And it should be able to handle listings using Smart Pricing.

Here is the solution. Save this photo if you can.

In the app

1. Go to your Calendar

2. Click on the small price tag icon in the top right corner to set a promotion

3. Set a promotion (can be deleted afterwards)

4. Once on the confirmation page click on the colored link that says "Open Price Calculator"





I’ve always wondered how hosts did promotions. 

That suitcase and tag option do not show on my page in the app, just the slider setting. 

AIRBNB: I find the host app difficult to navigate from a business perspective. it would be nice to have a “host tools” section with price calculator, promotions, earnings YTD, earnings compared to same moth last year, expected income for future months where we have bookings, and the like…easily accessible, without having to dig through other layers. 

It's possible that Airbnb made changes to their website or platform, and the calculator you mentioned may have been moved or removed. Companies like Airbnb often update and modify their interfaces and features based on user feedback and evolving business strategies.


To get the most accurate and up-to-date information about any changes to the Airbnb platform, I recommend reaching out to Airbnb's customer support directly. They will be able to provide you with the most relevant information regarding the availability and functionality of the fee calculator you mentioned.


You can contact Airbnb's customer support through their website or app. Look for the "Help" or

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Hi Aliza,


I figured out how to calculate the price after the app was changed. You go to the calendar,  select the days of the stay, and in the pop-up press the button "Guest total".


Not sure if there is another way. I hope it helps.

It's quite disappointing that the calculator feature on the calendar seems to have disappeared from withhairbnb. It was such a helpful tool for hosts to accurately project guests' fees and payouts, providing a transparent breakdown of costs. I hope the platform's support team addresses this issue soon or brings back this useful feature. Until then, using the preview listing option might be the best workaround to estimate guest stays. Let's hope for a swift resolution to make managing our listings smoother and more convenient again! 🏡

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