What is the land registration in Greece please. I mean which number would that be? Is the the ΑΤΑΚ # is the ama #? Which number is it and is it necessary to provide it?

Level 1
Athens, Greece

What is the land registration in Greece please. I mean which number would that be? Is the the ΑΤΑΚ # is the ama #? Which number is it and is it necessary to provide it?

What is the land registration # in greece for airbnb for the listing?  Is it the ΑΤΑΚ #?  Where can I I get this number from?  Thank you for your help.

6 Replies 6
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Nikolaos67 ! Did you manage to find some information around it by reaching out to Airbnb Customer Support team?

I am reaching out to a few Hosts in the Community from Greece, if they have any suggestion about your question related to land registration number : @Anna14998 @Toni6082 @Kostas1 @Giannis83 @Catherine3304 .

Do keep us posted how you're progressing with it!




Please follow the Community Guidelines

I did not find out what is the land registration # in Greece yet.  How can I contact the Greek hosts which you aforementioned?

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Nikolaos67 , While we wait for the Hosts I mentioned to share ideas with us, you can also post in Local Host Clubs where it would be relatively easier to find Hosts from a specific area. 

I found this Host club from Athens, where you can ask this question to Hosts from Athens . Sharing the link here for you to join  : https://www.facebook.com/groups/371685213927987 



Please follow the Community Guidelines

Thank you very much.  I really appreciate your help.

Hi there @Nikolaos67 , did you figure it out by now? 
I am not sure if im right, but I believe in Greece the land registration number is the "KAEK". Which I found on this site: https://maps.ktimatologio.gr


Do let me know if you found out something else. 



Level 1
Paris, France

@Nikolaos67 It must be the KAEK from Ktimatologio because according to Airbnb:


Land Registration Number (LRN) or Cadastral Reference, depending on your location, is a unique identifier for real estate properties. It plays a crucial role in the official recognition of properties across the European Union (EU). The specific name and format of this identifier may vary from one EU member state to another, we advise that you check with your national tax administration.