Who do I complain to (externally) about Airbnb?

Level 1
England, United Kingdom

Who do I complain to (externally) about Airbnb?

I m not happy with the way Airbnb has dealt with a complaint about a booking, host and minimal refund. I've been looking at the Ombudsman website but none seem to fit. I don't appear to be able to take advantage of any EU complaint systems as they are based in Ireland and I am in the UK.

Any suggestions please? Surely they can't be beyond reproach?

Thanks in advance. 

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Helen3414 Airbnb is certainly not beyond reproach but they are beyond the reach of any ombudsman that I have heard of.

You can take them to the small claims court but that is about as far as it goes. Can I ask what happened?

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hi @Helen3414 


We haven't been in the EU for a number of years so wouldn't be able to take advantage of any complaints system they may have. 

You can take Airbnb /the host to small claims court if you can prove they didn't meet terms and conditions of the platform. 

what refund do you believe you were entitled to that wasn't offered ?