changing tax info mid-year

Level 2
Nashville, TN

changing tax info mid-year

Hello! I'm brand new to hosting. Our property is currently owned by an LLC in which my husband is a partner, so I'm setting up the tax & payment info for that LLC. In early 2023, the property will transfer to my husband and me, when the LLC is dissolved. Are there going to be any issues with changing the tax info over to us when that occurs? Just don't want any surprises!


I am the host now, and I will continue to be the host, to be clear. So it's only the tax & payment info that will change. Thank you! 

3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Erika923 you say 'I am the host now, and I will continue to be the host, to be clear. So it's only the tax & payment info that will change.'  but I fear in Airbnb land what is actually happening is that the property is being transferred from the ownership of an LLC into you and your husbands ownership. My fear is that Airbnb can't cope with the specifics of your situation and could force you to re-list the property under the 'new' ownership.

Thank you - that is my concern, as well! I may need to reach out to Airbnb directly to ask this question. Thanks for the response! 

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Erika923 good plan but I doubt if you will find anyone that can help you.....