how many bookings do you have per mounth

Level 2
Tel Aviv-Yafo, IL

how many bookings do you have per mounth

I'm trying to figure out how many orders there are per month. Not how many days or what percentage of occupancy, but how many orders.
I mean, does an annual average have 2-3 orders a month? Or 7-8 orders a month, regardless of the number of days booked at a time.
Can anyone tell me how much it is for him? Or where can I find such statistics?

1 Best Answer
Level 10
Brant, Canada

Stays vary so much month to month. Having said that I average 5-6 bookings a month but have had as many as 8 in a month and other guests can book for the entire month.


It will also vary based on minimum nights I have a minimum of two nights some hosts opt for one night or a week, month etc as minimum days. It also will vary if you offer discounts for longer stays.

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4 Replies 4
Level 10
Brant, Canada

Stays vary so much month to month. Having said that I average 5-6 bookings a month but have had as many as 8 in a month and other guests can book for the entire month.


It will also vary based on minimum nights I have a minimum of two nights some hosts opt for one night or a week, month etc as minimum days. It also will vary if you offer discounts for longer stays.

@Yuval24  If you're looking for analytic data on Airbnb bookings that's relevant to your target area, try


Your post won't be read by enough people here to yield a statistically relevant data set. 

Thanks, but they don't have average booking, only occupancy rates. Are you familiar with any sites showing booking statistics?

@Yuval24  The number of individual bookings is not a data point that's transmitted externally, so you're not going to find a website that gives you that particular piece of information.


It's kind of a random thing that you're asking about, though. Maybe if you shared why you think it's useful, someone might give you a better idea of what to be looking for.