I filed arbitration against Airbnb with AAA, per Airbnb's own instructions; paid the $200 (my part), and now Airbnb has missed the 2 deadlines issued by AAA to pay their part of $300. The cc'd letter I got from AAA said if Airbnb doesn't pay their part by a date that has already passed, the case will be dropped. How can this be legal; not to mention ethical? Airbnb collects thousands and thousands of $$ from travelers in Tourist Development taxes; does not pay them to the County, nor do they pay us as the Host, so that we can in turn pay the county ourselves (of course we already paid out-of-pocket). What is my next step since they hav'nt replied to either of the 2 letters to them by AAA? I've already contacted the State Attorney General, so is that next, small claims court, etc? Please advise. Have tried working with Airbnb's CS for months, to no avail. They not only owe me, but many many others in my same County. Maybe reporting them to the FTC too? I will not let this drop since it's now become the principle of the matter and not just the $$.