What hosts are saying

    Hello fellow Canadian hosts, I'm wondering if others are facing the same issue: I claimed and received CERB and now CRB to compensate for my Airbnb income virtually drying up. I met all the criteria, including 'self employment' income of a minimum of $500... Latest reply by Donna1544
    We are trying out a new breakfast restaurant in town today. When we find places we like, I get some menus to keep as recommendations for our guests. Would this be a business deduction? We don’t recommend places we haven’t experienced. Latest reply by Kia272
    Hello dear beloved Hungarian Hosts! I am tremendous impressed of hosting on AirBNB and gained some experience in hosting as well as a traveller on this platform. For a foreign in hungary it seems to be nearrly impossible to overcome the language barrier w... Latest reply by Helen3
    Sveiki! Vēlējos uzzināt vai Jūs kā izīrētāji, maksājat valstij 10% no ienākumiem + pvn vai izmantojat otru opciju 20% no ienākumiem ar norakstīšanu + pvn? Kas jūsuprāt būtu visizdēvīgākais paņēmiens , kā nomaksāt nodokļus valstij? ----- Hello! I wa... Latest reply by Bhumika