wondering how much to refund guest who experienced problems.

Level 1
Tijeras, NM

wondering how much to refund guest who experienced problems.

I am wondering how much to refund a guest that has experienced a couple problems during their stay. They are staying 8 nights. First night they called alerting us that one of the two toilets was not filling up with water properly. We could not get there until 11 am the next day to fix it. (  It was a water line problem.)  So repair done within 24 hours. We thought all was good and then 3 days into the stay they call and ask us to go check the thermostat saying its been super hot inside. (80 degrees) It's been 100 here in NM outside lately. I rushed over immediately Turns out upstairs ac needed a repair. We got it handled by the next afternoon within 24 hours of of them reporting it to us. (we would have looked into it sooner obviously if they had alerted us.) The bottom ac was working properly so three bedrooms were fine, 2 were not.  So we were thinking refunding 2 nights. Do you all think that is enough. On one hand they've had a couple problems. On the other we have fixed them as quickly as possible. 

Any advise would be appreciated.

btw they have seemed very understanding, letting me go in to fix/check things while they were there or away.

3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Kim3341 we recently had a problem and offered the guest an extra nights stay for free. Not sure if that would work for you? We have yet to see what review we get!

Level 10
Auchenblae, United Kingdom

If they’re still there I’d be tempted to drop something nice off for them - a grazing platter or a nice basket filled with some tasty treats and a bottle of wine.  It sounds like they understood that things happen and that you reacted quickly and took care of it. 

Level 3
Tenby, United Kingdom

@Kim3341 I wouldn't issue a refund for that to be honest. They've got 2 toilets, so I'd say that's minimal inconvenience. If the toilet issue is what I think it is - they could've probably fixed it themselves with a quick Google!


Maybe give them a days refund for the AC.. if you REALLY want. But you've rectified the issues promptly.


This stuff just happens from time to time. If the issues are fixed promptly then I don't think most guests would really expect to be refunded.