Проблем сумма

Level 1
Baku, Azerbaijan

Проблем сумма

Привет.у менйа проблем бил трансфере.вы должны били заплацит 220 $ а платили 191 $ . Я поговорил ващем сотрудником Павел, он сказал цто проблем в банке вы заплацили фсо сумму.я был у нас банке они сказали цто не какой комиссиа нет у них!

3 Replies 3
Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi there @Anar3 ,


I hope you are well. We currently don't have a dedicated Russian speaking community center for hosts however you can review our existing update forum here: Обновления Airbnb





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Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

@Stephanie he said that Airbnb should pay him 220$ but he only got 190$. Pavel from Airbnb told him that the bank deducted the difference because Airbnb has paid in full and the bank said they didn't.

@Anar3 maybe you should contact Airbnb directly about questions concerning your payouts. 

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Why, thank you so much @Ana1136 ! In that case, please do reach out to the customer support team, you can do so via Contact Us.





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