Additional Hosts

Level 4
Ubud, ID

Additional Hosts


I searched for conversations about 'Additional Hosts' in order to learn about other people's experience of this relatively new option - but no conversation threads showed up, which I find rather surprising.  


So are there actually any other Additional Hosts out there yet, or are we alone in this?  

Hello!  I would be interested in your feedback about the following issues as an Additional Host: 


I would find it MUCH better if I could chose a secondary email address to receive notifications for the additional accommodation - rather than my usual email address.


I just want to be able to manage my own place, and their's, more effectively - and being able to compartmentalise them would be really helpful.


In fact, I've already set up an alias email address with this purpose in mind - I'm frustrated not to be able to use it and that all messages from my own property and the additional property get lumped together - confusing!


Also, it would be MUCH better if the sms message immediately showed that this was for the other accommodation and not mine - at the moment there's no way to know which accommodation is being referred to on the sms at all.


If you agree, please make a comment and, hopefully, Airbnb will take notice.

Thank you

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