@Louise0, then where is the right place for that, if not community center of ABB?
What I mean is that protection of everyone except for white male IS discrimination itself, because they become the most unprotected. This is happening, you can see that from my topic. You can't cut out from a photo an african-american person, a hispanic person, a woman, an asian, any sexual minorities. But you can do that with a white male.
Let me make it clear. You are not the one in the situation who is complaining about being discriminated. You are the one, who states that what was done was done right. So you are saying that in this situation they did it right, because he is ... white male. THIS IS DISCRIMINATION. Because "discrimination is treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which the person or thing is perceived to belong". So you are making a distinction against white males because they are white males!