Dear Community,
I have launched our property 2-3 months ago on the Airbnb platform and we have hosted in total ca. 8 guests for now and were actually quite busy. Initially I kept my prices ca. 20-30% lower then the ones I currently have for the summer period (starting june, July - August). In the meanwhile we have score 8 5-star reviews and are on our way to reach the superhost status by the end of June. The guest we received so far really liked the place and were very satisfied about the price-quality level they were offered. So far so good.
Link to our listing:
Two upcoming weekends (one mid may, one beginning of july) are already rented at current "offered" higher prices but since 2 weeks I was not able to score any additional bookings for the summer period which makes me slightly concerned (I have slightly below 20 viewers per day). I do believe that my prices are fair but I am not sure if people are still not fully confident with this new listing to book for a longer period (e.g. their summer holiday) or if something else appears not to be attractive.
During the last week I have reviewed the listings in my area and have noticed that there was a reduction of the places available of 10-20% so there seems to be a active demand. I also got 1-2 requests during the last two weeks for the summer period but eventually these people seemed not to be interested anymore (reasons: too far from the sea, location not perfect; nothing specifically related to my house , seemed just to be a mismatch etc.).
In addition it is Important to know is that the first two weeks of June are rented to guests which have rented my place but not through airbnb.
So now I am looking for your critical review about what is the reason that I do not receive the bookings I am expecting/ how I can improve my booking rate:
Following questions came up so far from my side:
1. Is my Listing attractive/ what can be improved on how I display it?
2. Is my pricing strategy attractive?:
- I apply different prices for weekdays then for during weekends (higher priced; + ca. 20%) as I want to attract people to stay for a mid-week/week but not to rent the "weekends" for a cheap price
- I have minimum 3 nights stay when you book for weekdays, 2 nights minimum stay for the weekend
- My target price setting is ca 5% less as similar listing in the area (I try to compare with comparable houses in terms of quality, etc.)
- The weekly reduction I offer: -16%, monthly: -20%
3. Any experience about starting-up an airbnb on the countryside and how did you "launch" it?
Thanks to all in advance for your constructive feedback!