@Ute42 really got me thinking when she mentioned a book call...
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@Ute42 really got me thinking when she mentioned a book called The Culting of Brands. The author, Douglas Atkin, was once th...
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Ive been receiving emails from Airbnb asking for the last 4 digits of my social security to update my listing ... is this legit and why are they asking? I’ve never provided my ss before so I’m Leary...
I think they are asking that so that they can report income for hosts. However, I use this site as a guest and I just tried to book a place and after paying this site asked for the last 4 digits of my social security number along with full name and date of birth, I input the information and it told me it was incorrect (twice).
I called the help number since I legally changed my name last month and maybe they havent updated their system. They had me send a photo of my ss card and I blocked out the first 5 numbers with the last four digits clearing visible along with my full name. This should have been suffiecient to confirm my ID but then the airbnb rep I was speaking with asked me to resend a picture of my ss card with all the numbers visible! Very sketchy airbnb! I said I would not share the full number and their only solution for me was to have someone else book the reservation on my behalf.
Will not use airbnb next time if they are going to require me to share all my confidential info with an oversees third party screening company.
I figured it out. When you supply them with the last 4 digits of your SSN, AirBnB purchases a report from unscrupolous companies that may already possess your SSN. If they find it, your identity is verified. If they do not find it, they continue poking you to provide the actual SSN or other identity numbers to them. Very sketchy. RUN AWAY!
I agree, it's too much! then I got a wierd text asking me to join a group!
It's really too much to the degree of annoying and unsafe for customers! I booked a room with ABNB yesterday. They ask for government issued ID front and back, I gave them with reluctance, then they want me to take a photo of myself using their app camera, I stop here for not knowing what they'd ask for next, maybe my social security number. All these info about me they can trace from my credit card company if needed. I guess hotels, no matter how many stars, conduct their business this way with no problem! If ABNB puts all their requirements upfront, I wouldn't' step in! They keep no balance between their security needs and the customers' privacy and security. Showing my ID at the check-in to the host is totally understandable.
When you give your name and date of birth it's almost as good an idetifiier of yourself as your social security number, add the last 4 of your social security # to your name and dob you are identified positively.
If Airbnb wants the last 4 of my social they need to tell me up front before I jump through the hoops of booking.
They say they need the last 4 of my social to verify I am who I say I am. Wouldn't that mean they already have my SS#?
I totally agree!! If my credit card info is good for everyone else on the web, why would they ask for these very confidential numbers. If someone puts them together they could easily steal someone's identity. I will be sorry to not use aribnb anymore but I have to draw the line here!
And, oddly enough, when I just posted, pop! - up comes my name and picture. I think they know who I am.
In all likelyhood, yes. I think they are purchasing the information from unscrupolous third parties that have it.
Same happened to me. A photo of myself popped up AND the birthdate is the fake one I use on Facebook. The photo is a previous profile pic I used on Facebook. This seems very sketchy.
I agree, i doubt i ever gave this site my full SSN so how does the last four of my SSN help them?
who are they checking the ssn with to verify it? i.e. how do they have my ssn to begin with? I logged in through FB, but they shouldn't have my ssn. Are they checking against my credit card? if so, it seems wrong that my bank would be able to share that information. This whole thing seems very scammy, fishy, and violating. Going to pay the extra costs of a hotel.
I just tried to book and lo and behold, after confiming my card AND my profile picture coming up on that payment page (I used them about 3 years ago so am in their system), AirBnB then display the next dialogue box asking for the last 4 digits of the SS number or a govenment id. Very intrusive, very dishonest as it should have been made clear what was ultimately required to book. I was not asked for this information when I last booked a few years back. I will not be using them again. Or now.
Cannot agree more! Exactly how I feel right now!
A verification of government issued ID is required by many hosts because they provide those to Airbnb. Just think this way, when you stay in a hotel, does the front desk person asking you for a driver's license, a government issued ID or passport?
When a host opens his/her house to a stranger, he/she also would like to know who they accept. I am not sure if Airbnb requires a social security number when you have uploaded your driver's license or passport. At least I was not required to show that after I uploaded my driver's license.