Airbnb support agents are STUPID!

Level 2
Thera, Greece

Airbnb support agents are STUPID!

APRIL 9, 2019

Chris And Ida1:08 PM
Payoneer has sent me a new card because of the imminent Brexit. My old card (connected to Airbnb) is invalid now. Do I need to change it in my Payout methods or will this be done automatically?

I need to have an answer today, as I am receiving guests tomorrow and I need to have this resolved as soon as possible! Thank you.
Please wait while we are routing your case.
1:08 PM

Thanks for your message - Airbnb Support is connecting you to a chat agent. Your chat session will begin in 1 - 2 minutes.
1:09 PM

Airbnb Support1:09 PM
Hi Chris, my name is Michelle C and I'm with Airbnb support. I'll be helping you today. Please allow me a few minutes to investigate.
I am just checking Payoneer's settings, please hang on.
To confirm, are you receiving your payout on your Payoneer MasterCard?

Chris And Ida1:16 PM
Yes, for two of my listings

Airbnb Support1:17 PM
I understand. Hold on please.
Thank you for waiting, sorry for the delay. Upon checking with the support, yes you need to update your Payoneer card on the system.
Please remove first the old invalid card to be able to add the new card since we can only have 1 Payoneer account per payout method.
Once added, it will be set to Pending for 5-7 business days for verification.

Chris And Ida1:23 PM
And how do I do that? Because the payout_preferences page doesn't give me the option to edit the Payoneer card number, and when I go to add a new Payoneer card it directs me to Payoneer to get a new card, so I'm in a loop
There should be an option to add a Payoneer card manually

Airbnb Support1:24 PM
Please click the 3 dots beside your Payoneer account on the payout preferences
Click on Remove. Then you can Add payout method.

Chris And Ida1:27 PM

Airbnb Support1:28 PM
Thank you, Chris. Do you need further assistance?

Chris And Ida1:31 PM
Yes. I did what you said, and when I want to add a new Payoneer payout method it says "Oops! It looks like you’ve already submitted your Payoneer application.
To log in to your account please click here.
If you did not receive your card, or are unable to access your account, please contact our Customer Support department.". Now what??

Airbnb Support1:31 PM
I am closing this thread due to no response. If you have questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to us again.
Thanks again for chatting in. Have a great day!
13 Replies 13
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


So what is stupid about this support ?

Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

@Emiel1 I am guessing @Chris-And-Ida0 needed more support with their credit card details and the support team just closed the thread without answering  

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


What i see is instructions from CS are not followed. CS clearly states (twice! 😞 remove old card, then add the new one, but customer insists on "editing".

Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

@Emiel1 he eventually said that he removed it but cant add a new one for some reason.. maybe we should let him tell us what was the "stupid" part on behalf of the support team instead of guessing 🙂 

@Emiel1exactly what Ana said! I told her from the start that it's not possible to edit, nor add my new Payoneer card, but she insisted that if I remove my old card, I'll be able to add a new one. So I did what she said, and of course I wasn't able to add a new card like I told her in the first place. Now I don't have Payoneer as my payout method like I wanted, and I have a Payoneer card sitting on my desk which is worthless. What do I do? Nobody knows. Supposedly the Airbnb "specialist team" is trying to fix that, and I'm waiting for 12 hours already, because obviously it's not an easy fix. I'm furious! There should be an option to add your card manually. But the "support" messed up my payout methods and now their "specialist team" is trying to fix her mess. Because the "support" is not trained to give advice they KNOW will work, but instead give advice they ASSUME will work. I have guests coming tomorrow and I need my payout methods fixed. Not f'ed up!


And the last straw was the fact that when I told her the mess she caused, she closed the thread on me without answering!

aaaand now it's been 36 hours and still this cannot be fixed! I contacted support to give me a solution and instead what did I get? Destruction and rudeness. I'm a superhost for more than 3 consecutive years and this is how I'm treated. So @Emiel1 who jumped to conclusions... do YOU want to tell me now if this support is stupid or not?

Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

@Chris-And-Ida0 and what will happen to the payout you were supposed to get from the guests checking in todays if I am not mistaken. 

I added another payout method, until this is resolved. What could I do...

Level 10
Jersey City, NJ

Yes they are, its the one thing you can always rely on.


Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Ineffective, perhaps, but 'stupid' is a word I'd expect from a teenager in these circumstances. 

Level 2
Thera, Greece

After waiting for two days, and threatening Airbnb that we will take our business elsewhere, this is the answer I got from the "specialist team":

"Since your Payoneer MasterCard payout method is associated with your Airbnb user id, you do not need to update the payout method. I sincerely apologize that you were previously misinformed."


No, I wasn't misinformed. YOUR employee was misinformed! Not only was she misinformed, she even gave instructions on how to solve an apparently non-existent issue, and thus removed a valid payout method without the option of adding it back!


This whole experience has been nothing but disheartening about the level of support. Hopefully I'll never have to deal with it again.

Level 2
Chisinau, Moldova

Hi, I am experiencing the same problem. It's been a while and they are not resolving it, absolutely incompetent support. Have you had any luck with re-adding your card? 

Level 10
Kraków, Poland



Most of Airbnb’s smelly code/software was developed on the huff, I very much doubt for your problem and many others on the community centre they have DFD (data flow diagrams) to describe the logic of the system.


Since you could not add a new card, you logically thought you must be able to edit the existing card and found out this was not the case, so you rang Airbnb support who listened to you spiel and concluded (without researching the problem) that logically you must delete the existing credit card and add a new one, which you have found to your peril is not the case either, So the support staff realising that they had not got a clue what they were talking about closed the ticket, and left you high and dry.


This falls under one of Airbnb’s motto's "Fail Fast"


Unfortunately, I can't offer a solution as I’m as bamboozled by Airbnb’s modus operandi as everybody else.