
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Are Airbnb being a little bit greedy charging the guest such a high service fee?

Level 5
Bath, United Kingdom

Are Airbnb being a little bit greedy charging the guest such a high service fee?

We are great supporters of Airbnb and tell people about them whenever possible - our experience hosting with them for the past couple of years has always been fantastic. Recently we have definitely noticed a drop in bookings in comparison to another site where we advertise - the one main difference is the very high service fee that Airbnb charges the guest. Now that Airbnb has become so established and successful isn't it time that they lowered their service fee for guests? (This is my first post in the Community Centre & apologies for putting this in wrong section)

35 Replies 35
Level 2
Bath, United Kingdom

Rubbish, they are greedy, check the facts

Level 4
Balearic Islands, Spain

I think the fees are correct, but it does seem that when the amount of the fees is over 800-1000 euros, guests do try a lot harder to avoid the fees, attempt to connect offline by mentioning contact details or other ways of getting in touch. 


I get the impression airbnb are not doing much to address this issue.

Level 3
Uttendorf, Austria

A total fee of about 15% is normal.


In europe, the competation is on the same level, some charge more to the host, others more to the guest.

In the end our customers pay the same.



Level 4
Balearic Islands, Spain

I ammend my previous statement: the fees are correct, but the rationale behind them is falling apart. Airbnb claims the fees are necessary in order to provide excellent customer service, but for new users it is very difficult to reach the customer service.


You can see this for yourself by sending instructions to guests about how to reach the customer service team.



Level 2
Invercargill, New Zealand

It is difficult to query with their customer service - I need to alter base charge on my room which I receive as I thibk its been set up wrong. Any help appreciated. 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

New entrant in marketplace from next month will be Ryanair - offering same sort of service in private residential units as AirBnB. Won't work for every location but about 50% of our bookings use Ryanair flights. Will be interesting to see how they charge and what.


To  be fair - AirBnB grew to fast with a platform that is dodgy to say the least and little or no investment or support for hosts.  So a new entrant really only has to beat them on IT and service support, and be in the same ball park with fees. 


Going to be an interesting few years as other new entrants try to take a piece of the pie and offer lower pricing or better platforms.

@Gerry-And-Rashid0 Are you offering your place via Ryanair? if so may I ask how?

Level 10
Portland, OR

Oooh! This is a fun topic to jump into.

No. Airbnb is not the cheapest but...I have been a host with them for over 5 years now and have had the opportunity see see them make many changes, some better than others. The site did used to function more smoothly but it is still good for the most part.

I cannot speak to how their customer service works in other countries but, here in the U.S, I can have an Airbnb representative on the phone (typically) in 5 minutes or less. They are in my favorites on speed dial. When I started, this service really saved my ass in a dire financial situation and, as I got better at hosting I have tried other sites (TripAdvisor/Flipkey and Roomerama) to fill in blanks in my calendar but I learned pretty fast that those other folks didn't compare and cheaper was definitely not necessarily better.

The first would not return a call in less than 48 hours, if at all. Their agent once reprimanded me for making a damage claim saying that $200 to clean my large area rug sounded too high-even though I had emailed them an image of the bill that I had already paid! They do not have a resolution center where they mediate a final and fair decision so it became an ugly email battle between myself and a very ignorant guest who proceeded to insult my home even though it was perfect for them up until they trashed it. And, they don't send the message to the guest until they have someone on their team review it first. Once I got a message the day after I had sent it stating that they didn't "approve" my message and therefore I must send another...what!?!

Oh! Also, I would get consistent emails from prior guests YELLING at me because I had not returned their damage deposit and it had been more than a week...obviously not my fault but theirs. This has never happened in 5 years with Airbnb, by the way.

The second site was free, meaning they did very little advertising, meaning I never got an inquiry...ever! So much for cheap!

But back to Airbnb's service; while they have gone through some very frustrating growing pains over the years, it was an Airbnb rep that calmed me down after some guests caused $600 of damage to my house. They were struggling with getting ahold of the guest and the credit card wouldn't take all of the charges but guess what, they paid it anyway and removed them from the site so none of their other hosts would ever have to deal with these yahoos! Another time when a guest broke a statuette in my apartment, I couldn't find a comprable replacement and just guessed the damage to be about $25 but the guest didn't want to pay. The Airbnb rep not only awarded me the replacement costs but found a replica that was more than $50 and appoved that amount to my account instead...Wow! That is customer service! And I know too, for guests if the host cancels on them, an Airbnb rep will step in and offer the guest an "upgrade" so they don't have to scramble to find another venue. And yes, of course, so they don't lose a booking and repeat customer. 

Also, when you go to their annual Airbnb Open, you get the opportunity to witness how they really strive to be community oriented as they will provide hosts with opportunities to physically go help paint or somehow improve something in that community. And, as I was there at the Paris Airbnb Open and the Paris terrorist attacks occurred (Friday November 15th) which stopped everything in their tracks but Airbnb mobilzed immediately. On Saturday an Airbnb representative contacted me (and all the attendees) by phone and email to make sure that we were all okay and that I had a place to stay as they were happy to house me elsewhere for free if I didn't feel safe where I was. Do you think your alternative cheaper site is up to that level of conscientious customer service?

I think more competition will be great for Airbnb. They have enjoyed being at the top of their game and will not be giving that up without a serious challenge. It will give them even more opportunities to determine how to improve and make for even better experiences for their hosts and guests. I, for one really enjoy travel credit if anyone up there is listening at Airbnb headquarters : )

@Andrée2 from one airbnb host to another, *high five*, *low five*, *fist bump*

Level 1
Wrexham, United Kingdom

100% CORRECT.... Greedy i say..... Bye bye im off to another site!!!

Level 2
Invercargill, New Zealand

The fees are excessive is the other site you are using worldwide please David. I live In New Zealand and would like to have another booking platform which is not as greedy as airbnb.  Kind Regards Gaye Turner

@Gaye0, you pay for what you get.  Some sites are even more expensive!  I also find, sites that are cheaper, have less traffic and you just end up having to maintain the site on availability and prices......

Level 1
Sacramento, CA

What traveling site are you referring to? I would love to check it out.

Level 2
England, United Kingdom

Between Host fee, Service Fee and converstion fee, Airbnb charges 25% on top of owners payout.

Infact, for you to receive 100 of any currency you are using, guests pay 125.

It's just outragious


Hi Guys,


Indeed this is really outragious....


Take a look at this:
May 30-Aug 27
Your guest will pay
You will earn


Airbnb is charging almost 40% on top of my earnings for this reservation...


I really had the impression that Airbnb fees do not exceed 10% but this has really got me thinking..

If this is their strategy we will part ways for sure