Can I cancel a reservation that is pending?

Level 1
Copenhagen, Denmark

Can I cancel a reservation that is pending?

There's some reservation under pending waiting for guests to pay, it has been almost a day (anywhere to check how long time left before 24 hours pending time?) and there is other guest asking for that period of time. Is it possible to cancel the pending?

2 Replies 2
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Just pre-approve the other guest and who ever books first gets the room.


You can pre-approve as many guests as you wish for the same periods - that means you don't lose out if one of them books elsewhere.


Let your new guest know that there are others interested in the same dates.


It will remain pending for 24 hours - this is the time frame guests are given to clear any issues regarding payment and verification.  It will either go through or go automatically into cancellation mode when it expires.  Very frustrating, but this is how it works for the time being.