Can not edit / update my guidebook

Level 1
Phuket, Thailand

Can not edit / update my guidebook

I am a new host from Phuket, Thailand. I have got the suggestion from superhost (Mikhail F.) to add 'my guidebook' on my listings. I have got the problem. I can't finish to edit my guidebook (just 50% complete). I already add the places in one of my listing and fill in some descriptions yesterday. Today I would like to finish it but I can't edit / update my guidebook and also can't add the guidebook in other listings, too.


How may places in each category / listing can be shown? Please give me some suggestions to solve this problem.


Thank you


2 Replies 2
Level 10
Stonington, CT

I have the same problem.  I add a new site and get "Sorry... this is no longer available".  This is horrible!

Level 10
Stonington, CT

@Suratta0, I'm going to try to figure this out and I'll let you know what I find.


While looking for the answer, I found this:


I haven't played with Coral yet but it's free and may help.