Airbnb states we could opt-out of having them collect our taxes and instead allow us to put our own tax amount then forward this to us so we can then forward that to our tax agencies. But, I've not been successful in having that done because airbnb customer service reps just keep feeding me the same nonsense scripts they are told to report.
This is directly from airbnb documentation:
If you opt out of default tax collection and add your own taxes, we collect the taxes on your nightly rate and fees but pass them to you to remit to the tax authorities. If you add taxes in addition to the taxes we automatically collect, we pass your additional taxes to you to remit to the tax authorities, and we remit the taxes we automatically collect directly to the tax authorities. If you opt out of default tax collection, adding a tax replaces all default taxes.
If anyone here can help me as I have the same issue please let me know.