Database of co-hosts/management companies

Level 2
England, United Kingdom

Database of co-hosts/management companies

Hi there, 


I used to have a co-host a few years ago, found from the marketplace on Airbnb but it's now gone.


Is there a frequently updated (and organised for easy comparison)  resource for co-host listings and even management companies.


I'm based in London, I have properties that have multiple listings in the property and I live in the present day so a list of people/companies based in America,  only for whole property listings and written in 2012 just won't do...


I've tried searching on here but aside from disorganised random responses like 'I'll do it' I haven't found much.


Also, this post is a repost of a question I asked before but received no response from... maybe I had posted it in the wrong area.

1 Reply 1
Level 2
Darlinghurst, Australia

Warning.  Do not be tempted to use Airsorted.  I used them in Sydney and they were shockingly irresponsible.  Their cleaners were useless.  Their idea of checking the property post a rental is to get the cleaners to do it!  I have a high end property that was seriously damaged and they gave the tenant responsible 5 stars and failed to report the damage.  I had no come back as it was only when I arrive bac k after 5 months abroad and by then it was too late to claim.  Also the tenant (who was a chronic alcoholic) got a 5 star review that I am unable to reverse.