Displaying more than 16+ guests on my listing

Level 1
Buderim, Australia

Displaying more than 16+ guests on my listing


I have 9 bedrooms each with Ensuites and 3 beds in each. Airbnb only allows me to display 16+. How do I display 27?

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

@Heidi388 I believe that is the max you can display, you need to add details for more guests in the description. But do such large groups book except for events? Do you only rent the resort as a whole? 

I don't recall seeing this until this summer. Is there a reason AirBnB only lists up to 16 & for larger homes just states 16+? Don't understand how that's a good thing when guests are looking for, say a home that sleeps higher numbers. This is a problem in two situations...


If a guest sees a house (max occupancy: 16) that only sleeps 16, but it shows 16+ - how do they know they cannot have more than 16 when it's listed as 16+?


If a guest needs to accommodate 22, how do they know that this house (max occupancy: 22) will in fact work for them?