Does Airbnb collect Non-Resident Landlord tax in the UK?

Level 1
London, United Kingdom

Does Airbnb collect Non-Resident Landlord tax in the UK?

If I own a property in the UK and host travellers through Airbnb, but live outside of the UK, then does Airbnb collect and remit Non-Resident Landlord required by HMRC?


Sorry, realise this is one of the most boring conversations to begin for a Friday night 🙂

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Vancouver, WA

When I go to book your listing, there is no separate tax line, so I'm going to assume the answer is no.  You would be responsible for remitting any required taxes directly to the taxing authority.

Level 1
London, United Kingdom

Hi Jeremy, I'm in your same position. Have you obtained a certain answer to this? Would be very helpful!

Is there any update on this?  My management company has no knowledge of the non-resident landlord scheme in the UK.  There must be many non residents landlords renting through Airbnb and perhaps through a management company also.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.