Growing Airbnb Bedbug scam

Level 2
New Orleans, LA

Growing Airbnb Bedbug scam

There is a new and rapidly growing scam happening where Airbnb guest are ordering live bedbugs online and using them to get free stays and also resulting in huge civil judgments.

If a investigative journalist were to simply acquire the list of customer names who have purchased live bedbugs online and connected these names to the false Airbnb claims as well as recent court awards it has the potential to making national news and resulting in journalism awards. 
How the scam works: Someone planning a trip to New Orleans for lets say July 1st through the 5th would simply book the airbnb from July 4th-4th. on the 4th they would simply place and take a picture of one or more of the bugs on a pillow or sheet in the home then notify the owner and airbnb that they were bitten and found bedbugs resulting in a full refund of the booking and leaving on the intended planned date. 
Airbnb is aware of the scam. 
Company selling live bedbugs online
Injury attorneys are jumping on board!
4 Replies 4
Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia



oh yes, this scum is very popular on Airbnb.  Guests get refunded but that's not all - the listing is closed for a month, future reservations are canceled and the poor host has to prove his listing is bug-free ( has to pay the inspection). So imagine having your listing closed for a month during the high season? 


Bed bugs were unknown in Croatia since the world war 2-nd but now I've heard they were discovered in some high touristic areas. I wonder if they came accidentally within the luggage or someone bought them and brought them intentionally for scamming purpose?

Level 2
New Orleans, LA

We have just made the media aware hopefully this will be investigated thus protecting both guest as well as host and making future would be scammers think twice as it is a class 2 felony 

Level 4
Florida, US

Some guests are dirty little rats.  I just had my run in with not just a guest that left me three stars but completely lied in her review saying there were dead bugs and so much dust she broke out in hives.  Then had the nerve to say the AC dropped on her all night, yet the sheets were completely dry the next day.


I could definitely see a holes going out of their way to bye bed bugs to get a few free nights

Level 2
York, United Kingdom

I've just been attempt scammed with a bed bug. By the way, I'm in the UK. It was dead. He actually showed it to me whilst sitting on the bed. If it was true and he'd found it on the bed, do you think he'd still be sitting in it? 


Something felt off. They arrived 3 hours late and the guy mumbled an excuse about no signal. They were cold and unfriendly.  They were as quiet as mice. I didn't see them after they'd checked in. I'm on the same floor so unusual. They stayed just the one night. In the morning, as they were still so quiet, I checked his reviews and the most recent was absolutely horrendous! I waited. Then it came. 


I told him it was impossible. I'd steam cleaned that morning, my bedding is white, etc. Anyway, he said he'd expect me to be much more apologetic. He actually repeated that phrase about 3 times. I told him to leave.


I am a 100% 5 star Superhost. He said my place was bug infested. 


I checked his FB and his GF's, and one is a psychology student and he is a physcology (PPE) graduate. Some kind of game eh?