Guest left a very distinct and not pleasant smell. Help with cleaning?

Level 2
Philadelphia, PA

Guest left a very distinct and not pleasant smell. Help with cleaning?

I am hoping that someone on here, perhaps someone who owns a true B and B, has some experience with smells and how to clean them. We had guests stay with us over two-weeks ago and their "scent" has lingered ever since. We have cleaned every part of the room, washed all the linens and the mattress cover, and left the windows open for days at a time and the smell still persists. Does anyone have ideas as to how to remove a smell like this? It's preventing us from accepting other reservations. 




1 Reply 1
Level 1
Fayetteville, NC

I think there is something left in the space & you aren't aware of or you cannot see it.  I found a wet washcloth under the bed frame once out of luck.  I never look under my furniture so it was by luck that I found it.  I hope this helps!