Guest quoted less than listing

Level 2
England, United Kingdom

Guest quoted less than listing



I have just had an enquiry for a week-long booking. The quote has been given at £37 per night, yet it is listed at £47 per night - any ideas why?


Many thanks in advance,



2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Not quite clear what you are asking?


When I look at your listing it shows at 42.00 - but not sure what costs are at different times of year.


Not quite sure what you mean by 'The quote has been given at £37 per night, yet it is listed at £47 per night' could you rephrase?

Level 2
England, United Kingdom

Hi Helen, 


Sorry for ambiguity. Yes it on smart pricing, so it goes up to £47 end of May, which is when the enquiry is for. So, I got an enquiry for a week at the end of May, but the quote they had received was £37 per night?

Hope that makes sense? I can't work out why its so much less per night?



