Guest request for refund for forgotten item

Level 2
CABA, Argentina

Guest request for refund for forgotten item

Hi all! I just got a refund request from a guest who left behind a piece of underware which was chucked away by our cleaners when they found it on the floor among other trash items. What happens if I decline his request? I have suggested paying half of the expense of a new one because he has overpriced the item and we consider they are also partly responisble for forgetting their belonging.

Does anyone have any suggestions or has anyone been through a similar experience? Shall I let Airbnb interfere?


Top Answer
Level 10
Grafton, VT

@Marina741, since the cleaners threw them away, I would have told him you know nothing about it. He's responsible for his own items.


Has he left his review yet?

View Top Answer in original post

13 Replies 13
Level 10
London, United Kingdom



They are responsible for their belongings - tell them that unfortunatly the item was left on the floor with other trash and that the cleaners will not pick up small personal items of clothing that are mixed in with other refuse. 


It's a bit much to expect you to hang on to underwear - I don't even want to think about whether it was clean or not!


Good luck

Level 10
Grafton, VT

@Marina741, since the cleaners threw them away, I would have told him you know nothing about it. He's responsible for his own items.


Has he left his review yet?

Level 2
CABA, Argentina

yes he has given me a good review!


Basically I'm just wondering whether to just decline his request and do nothing else or if to decline and send him my proposal with a lower price so as to put an end to the discussion which I find absurd.......

@Marina741, if you would feel better and find it proper, you could make him an offer. I wouldn’t give any refund, but use the ‘send money’ feature if he agrees to an offer. 


In the future, I would also instruct the cleaners to watch for left behind items and put them away and notify you. I would not mention or even acknowledge underwear in the future, but other items you can play it on a case by case situation. I have mailed toys, paperwork, etc with the understanding that the guest will reimburse me for the cost. 

Level 7
Athens, GA

Wanting money for underwear left behind is just plain bizzare! I would not send him any money - and gross - who wants to pick up possibly dirty underwear and mail them somewhere??!




I would have picked them up into a trash bag an immediately disposed of them - probably the exact same thing your cleaners did! 


@Natasha45, haha! Yes, I once found 3 pairs of underwear in the bed after one group of guests! I automatically tossed them and if he had asked about them, I would have played dumb. 

Ha! Yes! Ewwww, three pairs??! 

@Natasha45, haha yes! Three pairs in the one bed from one guest! 

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia


every time my guest asked me to return forgotten item I spent at least 30 minutes to pack it, go to the post office or to meet with someone to give it back. One guest forgot his reading glasses so I phoned him to let him know. Shipping to another country couldn't be done on recipient's behalf so I had to pay around 10€ for shipping. I asked him to send me this amount on my bank account but he said it is too expensive for him. So he arranged his friend, truck driver to pick the glasses in Zagreb. It turned out he couldn't enter in Zagreb with a truck (no time) so we arranged to meet 25 km from my house on the highway. He was more than 30 min late, missed the exit, stopped on the highway, I had to drive to him, cross 4 lanes by foot, we were almost caught by police... 

The guest didn't even say Thank you.


After that I wrote my new house rule: "We are not responsible for items left behind."

@Branka-and-Silvia0, omg what a hassle and how sweet of you to go out of your way like that, but omg! The last thing I sent was a toy that was left after Christmas, so I went ahead and notified the parents and they asked that I send it. They sent reimbursed me the same day, but even having to pack it up, go to the post office, etc is an annoyance. 


it's an annoyance....  but no problem... I will go to the post office and send a package... .. but only if the guest calls me and ask me to send it.... on his behalf of course. I don't call them any more and don't intend to meet with their friends for delivery  🙂


And of course, I would never pay for their forgotten or left stuff. How should I know if they left it deliberately or accidental? If I would keep everything I would need a new closet every few years 🙂

Level 2
CABA, Argentina

@Natasha45 @Branka-and-Silvia0 @John1080 @Gerry-And-Rashid0 Thankyou for your replies & suggestions. They have helped me not to loose focus. I have made my decision to decline his request & offer to mediate for half the amount he claims through "send money". We'll see what happens.......... 🙂

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Thank you for the update @Marina741



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