Guest rewew blocked...

Guest rewew blocked...

 Hi I wrote a rewew about my guests yesterday.

I can´t find it on my app. Aan I dont get my rewew.

I did confirme the rewew I gave after I wrote it over. Where can I see what I wrote?

3 Replies 3
Level 8
Bispham, United Kingdom

@Agnes-and-Fannar0 Hi, once you have completed a Review it cannot be amended. You will see it on your listing once the guest has completed his/her Review.

Level 10
Belle, WV

Once the guest submits a review of you, or 14 days have passed, you will find your review in the Host Dashboard. Look under "Profile" then "Reviews" and you will see "Reviews About You" and "Reviews by You."


Hope this helps.



---> That's how I look at most guests, like cousins. And you know, some of those cousins are kooks.
Level 8
Bispham, United Kingdom

Or just open up the guests booking and you will see both reviews.