Guest search only show listings in cetral/ popular area, hard for guest to see my listing

Level 1
Hanoi, Vietnam

Guest search only show listings in cetral/ popular area, hard for guest to see my listing

Hello guys,

I dont know other hosts having the same problem , but I think recently in the website, when a guest enter a country/ city they want to visit, Airbnb will only show listings in central/ popular area unless you move the map on the right. Before I remember Airbnb show the whole map and listing in different area.

My city is quite big and my place is just 4km to center, not a big trouble for visitors.  It used to be on first page, but with this new function, only when guests know that they can move the map to see many other places, otherwise, they only see the option with places in the center.

I think this kind of filter is not easy to be notice by guets, and it will be a big trouble for hosts in nearby place like me and it does not reflect the big picture of the market.

Hope anybody can check this out and give a solution or a good explanation.

Happy hosting,


1 Reply 1
Level 10
Kraków, Poland

Hello @Dennis127. Hosting on Airbnbn follows all trends of the free market. If the supply in your city is growing, hosts who are less attractive to visitors are pushed away. You can attract guests with prices or amenities you offer. And, of course, Instant Book and good performance as a host.

// "The only person you can trust is yourself"