
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Horrible Customer Service Experience

Horrible Customer Service Experience


I lease one of my home's rooms on Airbnb, it is a private room. Guest booked it and I subsequently sent my self check-in guide (A tool Airbnb provides). Without any message or communication from guest, I was messaged by Airbnb support stating that they do not tolerate double bookings, and that if I do not respond within 20 mintues, they would cancel the reservation as host, and penalties would apply.


As soon as I saw the message (around 40 minutes after receiving it) the reservation had already been cancelled, 0 star review applied, and all funds refunded to guest. I subsequently sent time stamped videos and photos showing the room to be in fact vacant (not double booked) and affirmed the fact that this was a "private room" in a shared home, not a entire home. I also emphasized my displeasure in the fact that Airbnb so quickly sided with the guest when it was clear there was no double booking or evidence pointing to this fact. 


What actions I took

I felt what happened to be totally unjust - a guest was able to get a full refund, when I had provided a listing totally within its description. They didn't communicate a single word, and I was only given 20 minutes to respond to a matter that was not even my fault (rather a misunderstanding from the guest). 


After waiting 24 hours, I had still not received any response in the support thread. So I rang Airbnb. I was referred to a different case manager who said they would need to contact the original case manager for clarification, however noted that the reason the reservation was cancelled was noted as "unresponsive host" rather than double booking. This was strange, and contrary to the reason provided to me, the host. Customer service promised they would call me the next day. 


I waited more than 3 days. No response, email or response given. 


I called Airbnb back. I was once again referred to a new case manager. This case manager was quite different. Before I said anything the case manager out right said "I will be blunt. The case is closed and I will be unable to do anything further".


I repeated again my position: That I was told the reservation was cancelled due to a double booking (that I refuted with evidence) but that internally at Airbnb, it was noted it was cancelled due to a non-responsive host.


I calmly and firmly argued that this is not the way a host of 5 years and over 1200 reviews should be treated. Afterall, the reservation was not double booked, and how can I be an "unresponsive host" when the guest had never sent a single message after they booked? They already had all the information via a self checkin guide.


The case manager then started to look into the notes and said that indeed the way the case was handled was strange. When I said that I get the feeling the original case manager had probably felt they mishandled the case and tried to bury it, the case manager on phone said "I am starting to agree". 


He then proceeded to say that he would remove all penalties from the cancellation, but that the money would not be refunded.


I was thankful, but asked why did he first outright refuse to help in the beginning? But why now is he suddenly able to remove the penalties? Furthermore, why wouldn't the funds be refunded if this was mishandled by Airbnb? Afterall, the reasons given for not refunding the host all were not true. I neither doubled booked the guest nor could it be claimed that I the host was unresponsive (since guest didn't even send a message) and I had already provided step by step full checkin guide. 


This is where things get even more weird. 


The case manager went on to argue that the "checkin guide" I provided to the guest was not considered valid communication since I had been informed on 28 August that this feature would be discontinued. By checkin guide, I mean the feature in airbnb where you can create a "Check-in" guide for your listing with photos and notations. I was shocked. The case manager went on to say that the link was considered "third party" and that the link should not work anymore. I was not convinced. The conversation was something like as follows:


"The checkin guide feature will be discontinued. We are working on a new way, you were informed on 28 August. Therefore the checkin guide link you provided to the guest was not valid communication. If you sent checkin steps in words, but not in a link, the case would have been managed differently. But because you provided a checkin guide link this was  not counted. Third party links aren't counted"


"But the checkin guide works fine, I have checked it. In fact, I use the check-in for all over my listings. I even received an email promoting the self checkin guide feature from Airbnb recently. Moreover, it is still on the Airbnb website showing hosts step by step how to use it. Please show me or forward me information regarding when and how this feature was discontinued? "


"I cannot provide that information"


"Well this impacts not just me but millions of hosts that use self-checking uide feature, I cannot get off the phone until I clarify this. As if what you say is true, then all my self checkin guides not don't work and I have to spend hours to adjust my way of advising guests how to check-in. So before I get off the phone and proceed with updating all my listings, I need to confirm that what you say is true. Please direct me to a link, email of news article whatever to confirm the self checkin guide has either been deprecated or when it will be". 




I call Airbnb back, tell them I was disconnected. The customer service rep then advised they'll note my complaint and that a case manager will contact me again via email. I ask if I can be connected with the previous case manager, to which she said she could not but that all that is within her power is to have a note for someone to contact me. I then say "okay thank you" and hang up.


I call back. 


This time I am referred to a new case manager. I explain the situation and my response once again is totally different. In a positive way. It went something like this.


"Sorry this case has been so mishandled. I can see you've been contributing as a host for overr 5 years and not only will I remove the penalties for this cancellation, but will also reimburse the funds. " 


"Thank you so much. I feel this is a much more fair outcome. However, why was the last case manager so adamant that nothing could be done? "


"I am not sure, but looking at case notes it does appear this has been mishandled." 


"Okay, before we go on, can you please clarify if the self checkin guide feature will be discontinued? The case manager emphasized that it would be"


"As far as I can see, this feature has will go on. And it doesn't appear that it will be discontinued. The links are all working fine". 


"Then why did the last case manager repeatedly emphasize that this feature would be removed?"


"I do not know, but you'll be refunded and penalties removed. I am sincerely sorry for how this was managed". 




-Airbnb cancelled guest from my side, i got no refund. I got a automatic zero star review. Reason given: I double booked the guest, was unresponsive. 

-I sent video evidence and photos, screenshots proving the room was vacant. Also that the guest never sent a single message

-I contacted airbnb after no response for days. I was referred to case manager. Case manager said they'd review and get back to me in a day

-3 days passed, no response given. I call airbnb back, refer to a new case manger. Case manager blatantly says there's nothing they can do. I then argue my case, they then admit case was mishandled and said they'll remove penalties, but not refund. I argued refund should be given since I was responsive as a host and no double booking

-Case manager argues that the 'self checkin' guide link provided was a feature that was phased out and hosts were warned on 28 Aug. Therefore this was not valid communication and thus, monetary penalties will apply.

-I argued that self checkin link is a core feature that thousands of hosts rely on. I doubted that it was removed and asked case manager to provide evidence of this announcement. Case manager was unable to show evidence, and I was disconnected. 

-I called airbnb back, was connected with a new case manager, he not only removed all penalties, but also refunded my money. Moreover, confirmed the self checkin guide feature was not going to be removed and was unaware of why the last case manager informed me of this. 


Final Thoughts

This whole process took hours of my time, I needed to vent. Being passed around multiple times and mistreated by customer service was very depressing. The inconsistent customer service responses to the matter and misinformation is disgusting and I hope that the customer service reps that mishandled this case are coached appropriately. I thank the final case manager for handling this in a quick and efficient way.


Incredibly inconsistent and stressful. 


21 Replies 21

I booked an air b&b on 4th October in UK the host returned on 8th Nov. My mother arrived the same day to drop off personal belongings, the next day my friend happened to be walking down the same street I was staying.  He wanted to speak with the landlady as he also has properties that he rents so I invited him to the property so he could speak with the landlady.  The following day my friend dropped me off in a taxi & asked for some water I invited him in so he could get some water then he left.  The following day the landlady Sidra informed me I was not allowed guests without permission.  She followed me around the property repeating what she had just said.  I had to inform her that she had just wasted 10mins of her life repeating the same thing that I had already agreed not to do again.  She then informed me that she could cancel my booking if she wanted to.  I left a heater running in the room I was in while I went to the shop/store the landlady had entered my room to turn it off without my permission.  She then put notices in my room & the front window of her living room saying no guests without permission the note in my room was stating to turn electrical items off when leaving the room.  

The following night the landlady left for London & at 8.30pm I receive a call from air b&b to say my reservation had been cancelled & I needed to vacate my room that night & air b&b will pay upto 250 pounds.  No reason was given as to why it had been cancelled.  I informed air b&b I would not be moving that night I would move the following day.  I had to leave the property the following day to attend my bank to get my debit card unblocked so I could book a taxi to enable me to leave the property.  While I was gone the woman's 2 boys had gone into my room removed my belongings to the front room but a black addidas bag was missing containing my IPAD, TABLET & 4x chargers.  I txt the landlady to say I was a bag missing she informed me by text that her neighbour had put my bag outside of his door.  My IPAD & TABLET & 4X chargers were missing.  

I managed to rebook another air b&b as I held 2 accounts threw my 2nd account.  I arrived informed the next host of my experience she reassured me that I would have a different experience with her & not to worry.  I reported the theft to the police & settled in for the night.  Then air b&b rang me again to say my reservation had been cancelled I needed to vacate the property that night!  Again I told them I would vacate the next day.  I spoke with the landlady the next day who informed me that she hadn't cancelled the booking it was air b&b!  The lady didn't want me to leave it was air b&b!  I have since had both accounts CANCELLED SO CAN'T access them! WITH NO EXPLANATION?REASON AS TO WHY!!


I have contacted air b&b by phone each time they tell me someone will be in contact with me!  They contact me via email to say there is an update on my case to login to my account!  MY ACCOUNTS HAVE BEEN CANCELLED SO I AM UNABLE TO LOGIN TO SEE THE MESSAGES.  I have contacted air b&b 5x in the last 24 hours via phone, I never get to speak to a supervisor or manager, I just get told the same thing someone will be in contact with me via email.  The email I get requires me TO LOGIN TO MY ACCOUNT YOU HAVE CANCELLED!!!!!!!! I have never experienced such POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE!! I had a reservation in croatia for august 2022 which has been CANCELLED STILL I DON'T KNOW WHY MY ACCOUNTS HAVE BEEN CANCELLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

I have received an email today to say my account wont be restored but no reason as to why it has been cancelled & why it wont be restored!!  

I have never experienced such poor customer service or been treated so badly by one company!! 

Using the police report as evidence, did you request money back through Airbnb?

Level 2
United States

JI’m with you and feel your pain. This has been a very stressful vacation season with inaccurate, little or no Airbnb customer support.  We have experienced all kinds of damages, guests breaking rules, trashing the house, etc. and nobody to reach out to until after the fact- like getting a response from Airbnb a month after the reservation. A review from a guest was taken off a month ago because it violated the policy. Just today, another agent put it back and said it didn’t violate policy. The guest had to pay for damages and as a result she attacked me personally in the review and stated an inaccurate resolution, that Airbnb resolved her of all charges- which was untrue. It appears the Customer Service is reversing decisions already made and closed. And also, the time to respond to this review is past the deadline due to Airbnb reversing the decision.

Response time, if you even get a reply is horrible and Airbnb is reversing decisions after the claim is closed! What is up with that?!

Level 1
Mansfield, TX

I have been trying to work with them since Aug 5 regarding a guest cancelling and it is beyond frustrating and HORRIBLE.  Can we report them to Better Business Bureau?  Would it make a difference sending it in writing?  Thinking I will contact my law firm and ask for counsel as it is so bad on how they are handling situation.


Give the BBB a shot.  I reported a shady insurance company a few years back, and that insurance company actually contacted me and tried to get me to change my report to BBB.  After they responded to my issue and corrected it, I added to my BBB report that they had in fact responded only after pressure from my contact to the BBB.

Level 2
Clearlake, CA

We are experiencing the worst customer services, it seems like they have no idea how the host system works at all, they talk to you like a robot without any resolution for the problems, instead only common greeting words and misleading, so much time wasting, we are really considering about pulling out of airbnb.

That is an interesting read. I'm new to this as a guest, and my 1st experience was yesterday with a horrid host, nowhere near as nice as you appear to be. We agreed to meet at 4 and when I showed up, she was shocked I new her address. I told her I was given the address with the confirmation. She said the room was not ready. I confirmed our agreement to meet at 4 and she affirmed this. The listing did not match the home.


Short story is that I called the help line. I was told she would call the host and she had to allow a certain amount of time for the host to reply. If no reply, I would get a call back to discuss getting a refund. So from the perspective of a guest, I was glad I didn't have to wait very long in my car, with the engine running in the Georgia summer heat, with food in my car, so I was unable to park and go inside anywhere. I hope that helps you understand the 20 minutes they afforded you.


However, as a decent human being, I totally see you're point in how things were mishandled. I'm glad things worked out in the end. My experience left me trembling with a dry mouth as my conversation with the host went around in circles and I left the home being told I may be able to return between 7 and 8pm, another 3-4 hours later.


I have another reservation in another city next week. That experience will determine if I ever use this app again.