@Bradford0 Sorry to hear you're getting these types of guests. I know a lot of hosts experience similar. My listing is not an entire place, but a private room /bath in my home and I get consistently respectful and friendly guests, but I know even some home-share hosts get guests like this, which is even more distressing- that people think they can stay in a host's home and that it's somehow okay to be stand-offish and unfriendly, as if wishing the host would just go away, when they actually live there.
I had a look at your listing- it's really nice- I love the eclectic decor (but do redo the bathroom shots- toilet lid down, always. Many men seem to be oblivious to this)
About all you can do to try to mitigate your issue, IMO, is to edit your listing description a bit. You really play up that the guests have a private space which you don't enter that's completely separate from your space. Of course it's good to make this evident, but maybe not place so much emphasis on it, as it's already listed as an entire place, and work in somewhere that you do live on the property, are often puttering around the yard, enjoying the back deck, which the guests are also welcome to use or join you for a cup of coffee, etc. You could mention that you greet guests yourself and spend about 10 minutes giving them an orientation tour. You could even put a line in there about how even though you totally respect your guests' privacy, that as you live on the property yourself, you appreciate those guests who can be warm and friendly when you do happen to cross paths.