I blocked out a full week and a guest saw them as available.

Level 4
Las Vegas, NV

I blocked out a full week and a guest saw them as available.

I blocked a full week out for vaca 3 months ago and a guest was able to inquire about it. I approved him not even realizing what weekend it was. Now if I cancell him it will cost me my SuperHost status. I thought when we blocked out dates that no one could inquire about them or instant book them. Does any one know what happened and why my blocked out dates were available?

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Quilcene, WA

This has happened to a few hosts, including me. Call Airbnb CS and explain. They should cancel for you penalty-free.

Level 2
Brighton, MI

I had this happen to. The period was blocked on another site and I approved the request and double booked a condo. I was able to move the other group into my other condo. 

You are correct that Airbnb shouldnt allow it to happen when its blocked.

Level 10
Simi Valley, CA

if it is blocked, I believe they can still inquire, yes?  Inquiring is basically just asking a questiong, its not a request to book, although you can still pre-approve.