@Ute42 really got me thinking when she mentioned a book call...
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@Ute42 really got me thinking when she mentioned a book called The Culting of Brands. The author, Douglas Atkin, was once th...
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Hi all,
Unfortunately, as a host, I have had to reach out to customer service 4 different times in the last three months, and each time I have had horrible support via email and phone calls.
Emails bounce back. Claims are closed without review. Support is not immediate, I had to wait for two months for assistance with one claim.
I have been a full time host and occasional guest with AirBnB since 2009. Over this time span, when something comes up, I receive immediate, top notch support and resolution. Now, perhaps in the last 6 months, I am experiencing a serious decline in service.
Are other people experiencing this?
To me, if I don't have great customer service, or reimbursement support for claims ( mine was a proven theft with police report) then why pay fees to AirBnB? Why stay with AirBnB? I am quite perplexed, as this has been a nice business for me, and I feel it may be time to leave AirBnB. Are others feeling this way too?
@Kathryn75 Wow you have been a really long time member! There are many many discussion threads on this host forum about trouble contacting Air BNB and then the service received. Perhaps Air BNB as a platform is a victim of its own success and is overwhelmed. Regardless, even I who have only been a host a year have seen a difference in response, especially by phone. However, I have gotten fairly quick response by using Twitter. Now I really didn't want to use Twitter but for purposes of contacting Air BNB I have a Twitter account. Try it and see if it works for you.
I can second that. I am having a very hard time getting questions responded to. I've also been extremely positive about the whole experience and now I'm having to revisit my stance on that. Started out amazing. Great time and very rewarding. All of a sudden I have my one and only negative experience in 72 reservations and something changed. That one reservation was a horrible experience. I was 100% customer/guest friendly, kindly attempted to remedy the situation, was over the top accommodating in every possible way. I truly believe that they had a scam going about this. The two guests were extremely unpleasant and horribly negative people from the time I went out to greet them at their vehicle. The company and I sorted it all out or so I thought. I was taken advantage of in this case.
I have only been a host for a bit over a year, but have had two serious problems...booking inquiries not arriving in my email. And the disappearance of my listing. The people at the other end of the phone know exactly nothing. Posting on Abnb Facebook or Twitter gets fast and effective results....they dont want a negative statement to sully the bluebird on my should vibe they like to present. ABnb generally works beautufully, but when confronted with a real issue, the customer service isn't.
overall, I think Abnb works beautifully, but when there is a problem
To me, I have AirBnB for when there is any problem, and especially a serious problem. With the high number of new guests with no reviews and no understanding of how to use AirBnB either, I as a host am faced with more and more problems from guests. To me, it would then make sense that AirBnB would beef up their customer support, instead they have let it decline.
There are many other rental platforms I can use with much lower fees. I pay the higher fees here at AirBnB for the customer support. Why stick with AirBnB if I am going to continue to get bad customer support?
David, that's exactly how felt, unheard by AirBnB, and taken advantage of both by the guest who stole from me, and by AirBnB.
Now that I have had my concern posted up here for a while, I see that seems to be that many of us hosts have the same concern and are worried about the serious decline in service.
I love how AirBnB took my concern and marked it as resolved, which it is not, and then posted your reply as the featured response, thus burrying my concern and complaint. Why is that? Don't get me wrong David, I am not dising your reply, just pointing out, how AirBnB handles things.
Ho can you even get them on the phone?
Great question- hold times are crazy bad!
I tried that too. I have tweeted to @AirBnB and @AirBnBHelp with a request for help after a guest robbed my home. WITH NO REPLY!
I'm tired of the effort I am putting into trying to get help. If AirBnB is going to allow this continued decline in customer service, I sadly will resign to going to another rental platform. Already, half my rental income is coming from other platforms and I only made the switch a few days ago.
I have a feeling if I am leaving, others are too. What a shame. AirBnB was great for years. It's sad to see them continue to go downhill.
@Kathryn75. Who else are you booking with...I am ready to use an additional site. Sadly, abnb is/was brilliant.
Sorry for my delay in reply Amy! I really try to stay away from AirBnB these days. I'm with you, it's so sad to see the incredible decline in AirBnB. To me, they will quickly fail as the service, and community vibe is what made it great in the first place. Both of those aspects are now gone.
These are the big sites I know of and use. Home Away/VRBO, their platform is a little wonky, but I am happy with the customer service, and get this, no hold times!
I also use TripAdvisor and Craigslist. In my area there are a few small property management companies that will list your property for free, but I haven't had many rentals from them.
I hope that helps!
Sadly it seems to be deteriorating even further in the last 6 months. Just put the phone down after 1 hour on hold (intial message said 10 mins estimate). I'm also finding them less flexible and more dogmatic making the experience of hosting and for my guests less fun. I'm increasing my presence on other sites and gone from 90% Airbnb to 75% over the last 6 months. The trend is clear.
Yes, Sheila, I just wasted the better part of two days trying to get help with some scamming first time guests, and was passed around from one case worker to another. I have found that messages are not passed on and had one case last year when my issue wasn't even recorded by first support phone person. Facebook or Twitter is the only way to get a response. It's a pity we have to resort to shaming to be heard.
Hi Amy,
I'm sorry I missed your message! I have been using VRBO and Trip Advisor. I looked at some smaller sites, but felt like it was more work than it was worth to sign up with them. I wonder if I should sign up there too....
I am not as busy yet, but hope to be, as it's the slow season here.
Fingers crossed