I am in the middle of a situation where the last minute guest stayed at my home - airbnb verified the credit card - and when it came time to be paid, apparently the renter disputed the charge and air bnb will not respond to my request for the $1,000.00 payment.  I have been waiting over 2 weeks - have called them 5 times and have emailed them countless times.  I will reach out to NBC Consumer hotline next.  I am very frustrated and have decided to sell my home and stop air bnb.  Be very careful of last minute reservations.  The only phone number I have for airbnb is

855-424-7262. Does anyone have any other way to reach airbnb?



14 Replies 14
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Marie159  You must be at the end of your rope!  You have lovely listings and great reviews.  Hope you can get this issue resolved.  Don't know if this would help but I get fairly quick response with messaging through Air BNB Twitter.

Someone gave me this #. I have not tried it.
Good luck

thanks Marty - I will try that number

Level 10
Urangan, Australia

We had that happen once with a Christmas booking.  The following May, the guest said their credit card had been stolen and they had not stayed.  This was with another  OTA so we had their credit card number.  We dealt directly with the banks and eventually were told there was nothing we could do if they disputed the charges.  It's not really got to do with last minute bookings - they can claim fraudulent use of their card at any time down the track.  Part of doing business.  Hope you have better luck or that airbnb will cover the loss for you.  

Hey team. I'm new to Airbnb and of course would like to avoid this from happening. When we say "last minute booking" we're talking day of correct? Just want to clarify.

yes - day of.  but apparently anyone can decline or dispute the charges on a credit card (even though I saw the guy face to face).  It is over 2 weeks now and I have not heard from air bnb in spite of all my calls and emails (I emailed them 20 times in a row to try to get their attention

I have had a bunch of last minute reservation requests, (same day usually in the evening) in the past month or two from people that don't have any reviews and the minimal amount of Air Bnb verification. I will try to engage these potential guests in a conversation about who will be staying and what they will be doing during their stay, etc. Some engage more than others. Typically I will pass, but what is interesting is after a day or two I will notice that those email conversations have been removed from my air bnb inbox. I also can't find their profiles anymore. So Air Bnb must be purging them from the system. My take is that they should inform us if that is the case. I have a bad feeling this is starting to happen more and they don't know how to handle it right now. 

Level 10
Mount Barker, Australia

@Andy57 Hi Andy, Airbnb's verification process appears to be say the least! In the past two weeks two hosts have experienced major frauds by persons using false ID material which entirely slipped through Airbnb's checking process.


The one thing that absolutely stands out in this type of complaint Andy is the frequency where 'Instant Book' is used. There appears to be far too many loopholes with this facility. It happens too quickly before proper checks can be done! 'Guests' use a stolen credit card and by the time Airbnb get to know about it the guest has left, major damage or theft has been committed and the guest is long gone.


Some hosts may see some sort of advantage in using Instant Book but for all of us hosts it's like walking on thin ice! You don't know where that next footstep will lead you.

This is my property, my risk, not Airbnb's, and I do my own verification before accepting a guest reservation!


And there is no way on Gods earth I will use Instant Book....cheers.....Rob

Hi Robin,

Totally agree re: Instant Booking and to clarify these reservation requests that I am referring to don't have instant book which is why I could decline them. That said I was horrifyed when I set up a new listing for a friend and they said it had to have Instant Booking attached to it. I got on the phone and tried to plead the case of we don't feel comfortable without vetting someone before letting them into our property, etc. They would here none of it and said we could cancel up to 3 reservations penalty free. Of course when we cancelled a reservation it shows up in the reviews, those dates are now blocked, and Air Bnb won't budge. 


I believe that they have now backed off that stance of having to put instant book on new listings. They must have figured out that they can't make that mandatory for everyone.



Level 10
Mount Barker, Australia

@Andy57......Yeah Andy they are trying to push their own barrow here because they think it will lead to more bookings which will equate to more revenue for them.

Andy, as I understand it Instant Book is now a 'default' setting when listing a property but, all you have to do to disable it is go to 'Your listing' and click on the 'Calendar and more' box. On the top left side of the screen you will see 4 lines in a toolbar next to your listing description. Click on these four lines and options will slide out from the left of the screen, Select 'Booking' and your Instant book status will be the first thing displayed. There will be three options and you can choose from one of those options as to how, or if, you wish to use Instant Book! Choose the box that says 'No one' !!!

booking page (1024x576).jpg


I am sorry this screen shot will not allow me to crop so the detail is dreadfull and I can't seem to erase it get it more legible. 

Once your listing has been accepted and displayed this will be the case and you will have the option of either using Instant book or not.

My advice is to give it a big miss....just too many problems with it...cheers.....Rob

Yes I have adjusted it so that there is no more instant booking on that listing a couple of weeks after I had set it up even though Air Bnb never got back to me to let me know that taking it off was now an option. They defintely want people to utilze instant book for more reservations on their end which makes sense. I believe they also wanted to implement that on new listings because of the furor that was going on here at the time in the USA about Air Bnb Hosts being discrimanatory about who they let rent their homes. 

Level 2
Chelsea Heights, Australia

Hi Andy im

new in Airbnb I’m wondering how you manage now booking at the last minutes without instant booking, sorry if it a silly question.

 To be honest this week I felt  scared whit some booking (3) whit new profiles no reviews made bookings at 10:00 pm wanted to stay the same day for the minimum days, i declined all of them and report as spam in the app, but still not clear how works it and what is the best practices to manage this kinds of things that looks a problems 


@Artemisa2  First of all, go to your booking settings and change the advance notice to 2 days. This will prevent people from being able to book last minute, giving you time to communicate with them before deciding whether to accept their booking or not.


You can't keep declining inquiries and requests, Airbnb will suspend your listing for that if you do it too much.


Do you understand the difference between an Inquiry and a Request? It's important to be aware of, because you handle them differently.


An Inquiry is a way for guests to ask questions. They need to enter dates to send an Inquiry, so they may even enter dates they don't want and ask about other dates. They can ask if you'll accept a last minute booking, or to show up with 10 dogs- they can ask anything, you just say no if it's inappropriate.


The choices on an inquiry are pre-approve, and decline, but simply messaging the guest back within 24 hrs. fulfills your obligation. There is never a need to decline an Inquiry, and you shouldn't.


A Trip or Booking Request is different. The dates entered are the dates that will be booked if you accept the request. When you receive a Request, you should right away look at the guest's profile page to see if they have any reviews and if so, read them. Then you message them back, asking them any questions  you may have if they haven't sent an informative message with their request, make sure they have read thoroughly through your listing info, including the house rules, and agree to abide by them. Also confirm that they have entered the correct number of guests on the booking, letting them know that any unregistered guests will be turned away at the door.


If they indicate that they want to break your rules, i.e. want to bring a pet if you don't allow them, exceed you max guest count, ask you right off the bat for a discount, don't answer your questions, communicate in a rude or entitled way, those are all red flags of a guest you don't want. 

You can message them back politely, saying that their requirements aren't a good fit for your place, and encourage them to withdraw the request, so they will be free to find a place that's suitable for them.


If they don't withdraw the request, you will have to decline it within 24 hours. If it's a no-brainer to decline them, better to do it sooner than later, so it doesn't block your calendar from other bookings.


If you get requests from guests who have lots of good reviews, communicate well with you, and who you feel good about, then go ahead and click on accept. 


Just because a guest is new and has no reviews yet isn't a valid reason to decline- everyone starts out with no reviews, both guests and hosts, so we all need that first review. 


The key to getting good guests is communication, and recognizing red flags. I've had several guests who had no reviews yet, and they were lovely guests. Newbies might require a bit more hand-holding, not quite understand how the platform works, may fail to read your info, but you just have to deal with that as it comes up.

Level 2
Chelsea Heights, Australia

Hola Sara muchas gracias por tomarte  tiempo para explicarme, realmemte lo apprecio, ya modifique mi perfil espero esto ayude para las siguientes consultas, Un abrazo 

