Left a review and it was never posted

Level 1
Ottawa, Canada

Left a review and it was never posted

Hello, I stayed at a place a month ago and posted a review for the place and now when I check it is not posted. Why is that?

2 Replies 2

@Joshua144, it is difficult to say without knowing a little more information.

Was there anything in your review that might have been against the rules? (see the AirBnB Content Policy about reviews: https://www.airbnb.com/help/article/546/what-is-airbnb-s-content-policy)


Other than a review being removed, sometimes there are glitches / errors with the system that cause a review to not appear. If the missing review is especially troubling to you, you can contact AirBnB and ask what happened. AirBnB support people can look at things that we cannot. (This is not AirBnB; this is just a discussion board for guests and host to chat.)


Thanks Matthew, I just called in and they are looking into it. Appreciate it!