Long term/Seasonal booking rates

Level 2
Lantzville, Canada

Long term/Seasonal booking rates


Hi to all,

I would like to give guests an optional  seasonal discount. A long term stay during my off season. 

I could not find anywhere  on the Airbnb site  to put a price for a stay that is more than one month at a time. 

I already have a discount  for staying a month but I would like to offer a further discount for more than one month. 

There should be a place on the long term stay section where hosts can choose the length of time, the discount they want to offer and the time of year. 

Let me know if this is already in place and If so where to find it or if not how do I go about giving a Seasonal discount?

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


This is only possible by special offer (which a would prefer anyway, simpy mention in your listing extra discount can be offered if booking for more then a month in a certain season)




(if having the multicalender availble) if you create a ruleset with  "minimum nights to stay" set to a high level (for example 90 nights) in combination with extra discount set (or a  custom price set), and then apply the ruleset to the specific period (season)


Without multicalender:

You can set custom prices for specific months, but then still also need to set minimum stay to high level.for specific period (=additonal requirements in menu "availibilty" under "trip length")


But you need to be aware both options will not allow guests to book for a "short term stay" in that specific period. 


Best regards,
