Looking to reserve a Villa underage, but will be 18 when arriving to the Villa.
My friends and I are looking to book a Villa during the summer after our final exams. We are looking to reserve early to avoid conflicting dates. You need to be 18 to create an account however, and a valid Id to reserve. Is the only way to reserve the Villa to wait until we turn 18 and hope the sates were looking for are not taken? Is a Parental Guardian able to book on our behalf? Is there anyway to get around this issue?
@James1751 Generally speaking, Airbnb prohibits third party booking, i.e. your parents book the listing for you in your case.
In reality, some hosts do not know or do not care about third party booking. But just be careful when a group of teanagers get together in other people's property. There is a potential big risks of damages.