My link says listing is no longer available

My link says listing is no longer available

Hi. I have recently added my apartment to Airbnb as a host. 

ID is verified and the green light for listed is on. My calendar is OPEN.

Everything looks great from my side. 


But when I share the link with friends it says the listing is no longer available. 


I am urgently wanting to list this apartment. 



4 Replies 4
Level 4
Las Vegas, NV

Hi Craig, 

That is really a unique situation. To be honest, it might be the listing is still too new. Sometimes the system would need 24 hours to update. I would first try the regular troubleshoot (make sure you're using Google Chrome with cleared cache, cookies, and history). After you done that, sign back into your account and see if there's any changes. If it's still the same and you've given it 24 hours since you've posted the listing, I would contact Airbnb to have it checked out. 

If you like, just reply with the link. I can help you take a look at it myself. 

Helena V.

Hi Helena


Thank you for getting in touch and your suggestions. I listed the apartment 18 hours ago - not quite 24 hours but still seems a while ago. I have turned off my laptop and cleared everything - and still nothing works. 😕


Do you know a contact address/number for Airbnb? I have searched everywhere to try get hold of them. 


My link is - let me know if you have any luck viewing the link. 


Thanks 😉 

I see. I only know you can contact them through this page. I'm not sure about the phone number.


Good luck Craig. Hopefully you'll be able to resolve that soon. 

Helena V.
Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Craig84,


I think the issue was most likely as @Helena52 suggested, that it takes time for a newly published listing to be visible publicly (it can take up to 48 hours). It has now been a couple of day since you published it and the link does now work and it shows up on the first page in search as below:




I'm glad it's now showing! 


Happy Hosting 🙂

