Our Airbnb Apartment in Paris was broken and our things stolen and Airbnb is not assistant us!

Level 1
Düsseldorf, Germany

Our Airbnb Apartment in Paris was broken and our things stolen and Airbnb is not assistant us!

Airbnb Nightmares 


I am Brazilian but I live in Germany, my parents came all the way from Brazil to spend Xmas and NYE with me! They are almost 70 years old so we thought that would be nice to spend NYE with them in Paris! We rented a really comfortable and well located 2 bedrooms apartment in Paris! We spent the 31 of December entire day doing some city tour around Paris, around 6 pm we went to the supermarket and bought everything to cook a nice dinner and have a great time together!


Happened that when we got to the apartment, someone broke the door and the entire apartment was messy with our things plus the host things all around! The after math, they stole my moms hang bag (LV that is worth around 1000 euros), 1000 euros in cash and our BMW cars keys!


We called the host and she was a sweetheart, bunch of her things have been stole too! She came and tried to calm us down, called the police and took pictures of everything and as the police orientated is, as they have to take finger prints of everything nothing could be changed place!


Our nightmare had just started! I called Airbnb and the first answer: WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYTHING THAT WAS STOLEN FROM THE GUESTS JUST THE HOST! I got extremely angry as my parents are almost 70 years old and were clear nervous about the situation, my mom was crying! I asked Airbnb for a hotel that we could spend the night, they offer us a holiday inn, one room for us four! 


Our car keys are gone, the spare key is in Germany, the parking in Paris cost 30 euros a day, we ended up sleeping in the apartment with my parents scared and without be able to touch anything as the French police was super busy and can just come today! The train or flight tickets back to germany cost for today is about 180 euros per person, a new key for the car is 600 euros! 


We don’t have an idea how we gonna come back home, we have to wait the police today, we don’t have where to stay today (is high season and everything is super price), Airbnb gave us 690 euros that was transferred to my account and I will probably just receive tomorrow and will cover almost nothing!


Airbnb is not giving us any support, my mother is crying, we could not find anything to eat yesterday as the restaurants were fully booked and we don’t have an idea how we gonna manage the car keys or leave Paris! 




Shame on you Airbnb and shame on all your employees that are super unprepared for emergencies and don’t offer any support!


Does anybody has an idea of what we can do?

1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hello @Marina810


I am so sorry this happened to you, but confused, particularly as you are an experienced host on Airnbnb,  as to why you are turning to them rather than your travel insurance for help?


I wouldn't have imagined that your parents would have travelled from Brazil without travel insurance, so even if you didn't take out travel insurance, hopefully they will be covered. Have you checked with them?


All of the items you mention - travel costs, replacement key, replacement of stolen goods etc will hopefully be covered by your travel insurance.


You can ask Airbnb to increase the amount they can offer to support your accommodation needs for the rest of your stay, but anything to do with stolen items including your lost car key will be down to you to claim on your travel insurance. 


I think in the circumstances it is unfair of you to blame Airbnb for issues that you should be liaising with your travel insurance company over.