Pre booking reviews

Level 1
Gooderham, Canada

Pre booking reviews

Can I see a previous review before booking? If so, where can I find these reviews? 

5 Replies 5
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


The reviews (if any)  are in the profile of a (potential) guest, or if a host: in the listing (scroll down) or in the profile of the host.

Thank you very much. Wouldn't happen to know how I get access to all the reviews I have done/given, do you? 

Yes, @Pete-And-Deb1 , it is a bit convoluted. Go to your Profile, and click Edit Profile. On the left you will see Reviews. Click on that and you will find two tabs: one for reviews OF you and one for reviews BY you.

Level 1
Gooderham, Canada

You da best! 

Do you know where my reviews on renters is kept?