Re: checkin set to Sundays only

Level 3
Mandeville, Jamaica

Re: checkin set to Sundays only

Hi Guys,

I need help. I seem to have mistakenly  created a rule where checkin can only be done on a Sunday. It’s a minimum of 7 days. But even if i change from 7 to 3 days the calendar is not allowing a booking. If you check my page and try to make a booking you will see it says host unavailable for that day. 
How can i reverse this rule? 

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Clare, Australia

@Antoinette151 , you have identified the problem.

The ONLY day I can stay is a Sunday.

It's not the only day to check in, it is the only day to stay. The rest of the days are all blocked.

So, look at your calendar and figure out what modifications you have applied.

Perhaps you check / delete the things you have added and start again.

It takes time, and a couple of Cuba Libres to sort this out.

Good luck, 

Cheers, Charles