Reaching three month limit on my granny flat in my private home

Level 1
London, United Kingdom

Reaching three month limit on my granny flat in my private home

I got a message saying that because my listing says it is 'entire space' for rent, I can only take a maximum of three months of bookings in any calendar year.  However, in order to access the granny flat guests have to come through the front door of my home into my lobby and up through my house.  Since I changed my booking to 'private room', I have had no requests for booking, probably due to the cost.  What can I do to rent my flat continuously without airbnb automatically blocking the calendar when the 90 days are booked?

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Scotland, United Kingdom

@Roberta121  You have a lovely studio!  As you say, you have been obliged to list it as a Private Room now.  All  I can suggest is to list the accommodation giving the Base Price for one person, and then add the extra for the second person in the Pricing section.  This way, at least your accommodation will appear in a search for Private Rooms when the guests select a lower price.   Hopefully, they will then see that it is a beautiful, virtually self-contained studio and will be won over, and will recognise that the second guest fee is justified.

You could also try increasing the 5% reduction for a week's stay.

Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hi @Roberta 


Have you spoken to your local council about their policies.? Give them a call or email them.


You could look at planning permission to get an exemption to use it for more than 90 days (if they require this) , then you can return it to a full listing, if you get this.


PS when I looked at your listing it is still saying it is as a separate flat?