Refund deduction

Level 1
Vancouver, Canada

Refund deduction

This was my first (and possibly last) time booking with AirBnB

I booked and paid for accommodation in Dominica but when I contacted the host  I wsas told there home was not available and had no roof. I had to go through a process tring to contact my host to get them to cancel the booking. when the refund came through theer was a $25.00 deduction. I can see no way to call AIRBnB and after about 20 minites tring to find a way to contact them via their website this is the only way I can see. This has been a complete waste of my time and I am out money. Is there no way to easily contact AirBnb?

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Limerick, Ireland

Hello @Valerie297,


You can use the "Search the community" box on this site.


Type "contact airbnb" in the "Search the community" box on these forum pages where you posted your question. Scroll down a little in the list of suggestions that appears and click on the "Contact Airbnb: A Community Help Guide[UPDATED]" one. That lists phone numbers and ways to contact them via Twitter or Facebook.



Level 10
Como, CO

You can also find contact details on your confirmation.


