Reviews: Do they stay on my profile forever or are they automatically erased after a few years?


Reviews: Do they stay on my profile forever or are they automatically erased after a few years?

I have old reviews that do not really reflect the current state of my business. Will these reviews always stay on my account or will they eventually be deleted? 

Top Answer
Level 10
Florence, Canada

Reviews are forever, @Carolina-And-Kateryna0. My own reviews go back to 2012, when I joined. 

The good news is that old negative reviews get buried, so to speak, by recent positive ones. They are still there, but not easy to find. 

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2 Replies 2
Level 10
Florence, Canada

Reviews are forever, @Carolina-And-Kateryna0. My own reviews go back to 2012, when I joined. 

The good news is that old negative reviews get buried, so to speak, by recent positive ones. They are still there, but not easy to find. 

thanks friend. and the dates on them also stay there forever?