Shared Hosting -- Upgrade this Option, Please

Shared Hosting -- Upgrade this Option, Please


I'm running a very busy airbnb in upstate New York.  I have multiple people that help me, but there are some solid friends and players invovled in my providing a positive airbnb experience to guests.

I'd like to motion for the airbnb shared hosting to expand to two or three shared hosts.


1.  I have a dedicated cleaner and all cleaning fees go to them.  This is my first shared host for cleaning fees.
2. I have a partner in management of the airbnb hosting itself.  I would like them to be a percentage of gross minus cleaning fees.
3. I have a dedicated maintenance and guest admittance person (ie doorman when required). I would like to give them a percentage or enable an option where I allocate a percentage of a stay if pre-coordinated prior to distribution of the funds.  For example, I determine there is a repair prior to a guest's arrival and/or I need this person to let them into the home and give them a brief tour.  I would like to allocate a set amount or percentage of the revenue from that pay to this person, thus lowering my overall gross and taxable liability while making payment to my associates much easier.

This could be integrated into the current shared hosting and/or add a handyman/bellhop features that are similar to shared hosting.  I realize the accounting becomes slightly different, but it's not a difficult set of algorithm/fucntions to write.  I'm a M.S. CIS student and I know this is feasible to develop.

Please, expand this and offer 1099s to these shared hosts.  Make hosting easier so I can focus on the experience and less on how the money gets to these associates and how to deduct it from my gross earnings at the end of the year.


-Kistilan Dark

2 Replies 2

You can already add up to 3 co-hosts per property.

By adding them as co-hosts, you can assign a percentage or the cleaning fee or simply have them request funds to be paid them as reimbursement.

I thought so too, but I tied to add a second and airbnb told me I am only allowed one co-host for my property.  I'm not sure why that is?

And I still think a separate payout capability to bellhops/doormen and preferred handyman/maintenance would be very useful.  

It could be a hassle to continually change the percentage or minimum payment for on-call help that is not directly managing and taking an active part in the day to day operations, yet is a frequently used and trusted service.