Single first time female host. Hosting a male.

Level 2
Port Elizabeth, South Africa

Single first time female host. Hosting a male.

Good evening. I live in south Africa. I'm generally not scared for my own safety - as I'm always alert- good with my safety. I'm expecting my first guest on the weekend. Which is a single French man travelling alone. I don't care what nationality - and will already lock my door at night. But if he doesn't go anywhere or stays at home if I'm here - am I expected to 'entertain him' not in a sexual way.. but constantly make conversation and friendly etc... or do I just do my own thing - cause it's weekend and he does his ? It's my first booking... I need a GREAT review to attract other potential guests ??
17 Replies 17

@Janet411@ For what it's worth, from a male perspective...


I would not be offended, feel discriminated against or anything of the kind if I read a listing that discouraged single men. In fact I would actually feel uncomfortable knowing that the host was not comfortable.


We have saying in Spanish that fits: "no hagas cosas buenas que parezcan malas"  or "avoid even the perception of impropriety". (literal: don't do good things that look bad). 


@Julian234  Wow. Thank you. Usually when women post about this, there are a bunch of offended posts from defensive men (not all- there are some great guys on this forum). You could teach them a thing or two about respect and understanding.

@Sarah977 I am not surprised. <sigh>. 


I prefer not to host single women either. Avoids all sorts of real or perceived problems. Heck, these days a single man can't be seen within 20 meters of a single woman, a child or anything else. 


Though thanks for the thanks, I think 🙂