The impact of Ordinance AB 1731 on City of Oceanside

Level 2
Los Angeles, CA

The impact of Ordinance AB 1731 on City of Oceanside

I'd like to start an open discussion for the recent news regarding the new STR laws in San Diego County. AB 1731 appears to be on the way to get approved which will dramatically change the laws and regulations for San Diego.   However, my understanding which I may be wrong, the ordinance does not superced the local cities or municipalities regulations. City of Oceanside is  not in favor of the ordinance although the city is in the process to amend the local STR rergulations but there is no impact on the number of nights you can list your property on hosting platforms. What are your thoughts?  Does AB 1731 require the local city to adopt? 

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand

Hello @Nick199 

Have you had a scan around here in CC using associated keywords in the searchbox?
There's related discussions in here that you may find helpful.


It's also of benefit to look up ABB in your area online & under 'NEWS' in general online.


There's always 'grey areas' of Laws & local Councils & Property Managers etc must abide by wider ranging Laws of the Land.


If you look up under Legal Institute Databases there's a few cases involving ABB re Tenancy.


I personally view ABB as simply the current day & age of an Advertising Platform no different to websites like Trade Me here in NZ.


It's only because some who have always dominated the Rental/ Property Letting market that the minority have there noses out of joint.


All the best