Hi there
I have recently had a bad review. The content of the review was as follows “this listing is accurate, tiny room with limited facilities” and we got 3 stars. Our listing is specifically for a ‘small’ ‘cozy’ room with ‘own bathroom across the hall’, we specifically say that there is ‘no kitchen access’ and there is only ‘tea making facilities’ and a ‘fridge in the room’. The private message from the review said we should charge less due to the limited facilities and that in hindsight they should have gone to a motel.
We use the Airbnb price calculator for listing and on that particular night we charged $85 nz dollars. Our room is small but well appointed.
The cost of a motel that night in our town ranged from $124 for a very basic, old, dated room with a shared kitchen, to $209 for a room with tea making facilities and a fridge.
When I complained to Airbnb, their response was along the lines of hard luck the review is not contrary to our policies.
I am so disappointed by this response and feel that Airbnb should do more to protect its hosts from these types of reviews. If some books a small room with limited facilities because the price is right, it’s really unfair that they then give a bad review because it was a small room with limited facilities. Has anyone else had these issues and are there any alternatives.
so disappointing!