Using coupon and travel credits on one booking

Using coupon and travel credits on one booking

Dear Community,


I get a coupon from a cancelled booking. When I want to pay my new booking, I got this coupon directly used. But I also have some travel credits, is it possible to use both on a booking ? And how ?


Thank you for your answers.

Best regards.

1 Reply 1

We've been saving up our credits and one coupon (total of $190). We have a room at our daughter's but thought we should use our credits before they expired. Booked a Beach House for 2 nights to explore a new area near where daughter works.

We were shocked when only one credit was used. I called the Superhost Airbnb line. They confirmed that they only allow Hosts to use one credit at a time. I'm sorry this is unacceptable. How is this supporting Hosts? We are hosting during most holidays. It's a big deal when we take time off and don't visit family who have spare rooms. 

It's good business to check out how other Hosts perform. We learn a lot. So why does Airbnb only dole out one credit at a time. This seems counter-productive and punitive. We earned the credits by sharing the Airbnb concept with OUR contacts and encourage people to host over lenghty conversations. In other words, we worked hard to earn the credits and coupons. This policy does not make sense. Supporting Hosts is essential for Airbnb to continue to be successful. Who's with me?