Hello @Suzanna9,
There isn't a direct way to see how much a guest has paid for a confirmed reservation.
If a listing has the same price for each day, like yours seem to have, then there's a way you can calculate how much a guest pays.
Say you want to know how much a guest has paid for a 4 day stay. Go to your calendar and find a four day period of free days at the same price as the guest's days. Click on the first free date and drag its right hand side little "III" tag to the right until you've selected 4 days. You can also select the 4 days by filling in the start and end date boxes.
Then scroll down in the window on the right until you see the "What do guests pay" link and click on it.
That'll how a box like below.
It's a hack and works only if you can find a range of free dates that have the same price as the guest's dates.